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Posted on: 2019-03-15

The Law Of Attraction

The last few days, I've been feeling like things have really started to come together.

I can only hope that my sweetheart feels that things are getting better for her, too. However, she tends to focus on her main goal to the exclusion of the steps that need to be taken to reach it. Now, as much as I love talking about Cori, let me get back to the topic of this post.

What Is The Law Of Attraction?

The Law Of Attraction, also known as The Secret, is possibly one of the least known laws of physics. If that makes you think that it's hard to understand, then let me put your mind at ease. It's not hard at all.

All this law says is that you'll attract whatever it is you think about most, and it doesn't matter in what way you think about it. Whether it's something you love or hate, want or don't want, hope for or fear... You attract whatever it is you think of most.

If this makes you think that you'll need to police your thoughts now, then here's some good news for you. Firstly, an affirmitive thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought. Secondly, you can use your emotions to guide you. If something feels good, then you're on the right track. So, keep doing that. If something feels bad, then you're not on the right track, so change what it is you're doing.

Do whatever it is that makes you feel good. Do whatever it is that gets you closer to your goal. Be the Michael Angelo of your life.

As always, I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post. If you have any questions or comments, then please let me know in the form down below.


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