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What I Can Do

This page shows everything I can do. The following is a mix between a resume and explanation for people who are not familiar with a particular job.

Computer Classes

Several years ago, I helped at the former ComputerTraining Winschoten, where people could learn how to use Windows, several Microsoft Office applications and GIMP. I've also helped students troubleshoot any problems they might have with their own computer. The problems and requests I've received varied wildly. Some examples:

I do limit myself to working with software; no hardware repair.


I'm fluent in English, Dutch and German. If I can help you by translating something from any of these languages to any other, then feel free to contact me.

Web Design

I've used Adobe Dreamweaver to make the website at zwembadderingberg.nl, but now I maintain it with Vim. I also use Vim to maintain the website at huurdersorganisatiescheemda.nl. Also, if I see the need to correct something, I will do it as soon as possible.