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Posted on: 2021-01-22

Mysterious Visitor to My Website

Last Wednesday, I received an e-mail from my 404.php page; the page that loads whenever someone tries to visit a page on my website that does not exist. When I looked into this, I found something very strange. That's what I'd like to describe in this blog post, hoping that it will reach someone who knows more about it. In doing so, I hope to make it clear enough for everyone to least to the extent that I understand it myself.

What is a URL?

If you're going to understand what I'm about to explain, you need to know what a URL is. URL is short for Uniform Resource Link. Everything on the Internet, not only a web page, has a URL. So, simply put, a URL is an address to something on the Internet, whether it be a web page, an IRC channel, or a location in Second Life.

What I Found

When I dove into the log file for last Wednesday, I found that someone had tried to find a web page at a URL that looked like this:

URL to my website - URL to the SL group profile of Virtual Ability

What I Know

I know the IP address that caused the error, and I know the time and date. Also, the fact that the second part of the URL leads to the Second Life group profile of Virtual Ability, indicates that the visitor knows about Virtual Ability. Lastly, the IP address gives an, albeit unreliable, indication as to the geographical location of the visitor.

I do not know what kind of resource the visitor was trying to reach. If he or she was trying to reach me, then I invite him or her to send me an e-mail.

In hopes of increasing the chance of this blog post reaching my mysterious visitor, I ask that anyone who finds this blog post will share it with their friends.

As always, I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post. If you have any questions or comments, then please let me know in the form down below.


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