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Posted on: 2022-04-29

History Rhymes

I've known for quite some time that it's said that history rhymes. I believe that I've recently come to understand what that means. I don't believe I can explain it, but I can give you an example.

Some time ago, a friend asked me for advice about a situation. A friend of hers had asked to meet her. She trusted that it was safe, but was still wondering if she should go through with it. Here's what I remember telling her:

If you decide to meet him, there's a chance that you'll be disappointed. If you decide not to meet him, you'll never know what you might have missed. Which of these options do you think you'll find easier to live with?

She decided to meet him and now has a great memory to look back on. Now, here's where the rhyming part comes in.

If I don't go to the USA, then neither Cori nor I will ever know how it would have turned out. If I do go, which I still very much want to, I might end up being disappointed, but at least I tried and I'll have the experience of having been in the USA.

Will Cori and I get the chance to experience what we've been looking forward to for 9 years already? Only time will tell.

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